The cultural shock in America. First, some necessary truisms. Our America is born of the obvious confrontation between the vernacular primitivism and the globalizing culture - already in the beginning of the XVI century - of European origin. The disappearance of the primitive American cultural notions was the logical and expected consequence of the clash with a much more developed culture, stronger economically and militarily speaking, but also more developed in terms of the construction of an imago mundi of a nature not only more complex, but also more adequate to provide answers to the questions of man about himself and his situation in the universe, their relationships with others and, ultimately, much more capable, for the same reasons above, to provide a convincing explanation -At least, for the man of the time, American or European- regarding the distressing lack of sense of the universe in relation to man. When there is no explanation of the general sense of reality that is convincing, at least, for the gullible majority (as it begins to happen in our time), a culture enters into its necessary crisis and, if it is too long, exploits and implodes at the same time, generating an unpredictable change. Our America, until the arrival of its European conquerors, was a kind of cultural island, drifting among the very simple shamanic beliefs of Siberian origin transplanted by the invading peoples from the north and northeast of Asia to American lands between 50,000 and 30 a thousand years before, that all that enormous period had remained without significant changes, and the most complex elaborations that the three established citizen theocracies had done: Mayas, Aztecs and Incas. These theocracies had points of coincidence, in terms of their characteristics, which is very easy to determine. In the first place, they owed their pre-eminence to their absolute dominion of their own territory and of the conquered to the detriment of the nomadic or semi-nomadic peoples that surrounded them (shamanists), to whom they had submitted without difficulty, thanks to a much superior technology and military organization. . Secondly, economically, they were based on agricultural production methods that were still primitive but sufficient to feed their demographic growth until an average stage of their development, a situation that was complicated by a demographic explosion due to the progress of these societies; the fact that in the final, imperialist stage of these societies, the in-kind taxes levied on the conquered peoples were added as a means of maintaining the theocratic state would not be enough to balance the demand for basic inputs of these societies, a process that became evident in the Mayan theocracy (disappeared by collapse before the arrival of the Spaniards in America) and that awaited the Aztec and Inca theocracies not to mediate the phenomenon of their destruction at the hands of the European invaders. An old drawback of the development of the socio-economic, cultural and military empires is the impossibility of providing maintenance to its original population, to which it adds the entire populations of the towns conquered by it, although it increases its income from inputs thanks to the annexation of goods. and means of production taken from the latter. In societies of media limited by technological development like those to which we are referring, there are no innovative possibilities to increase production; basically, after each conquest the gross product remains the same, only that its distribution varies: the conquistadors crave to have goods and services greater than those they had before and to this is added that by living in a more consumerist than in the period Previously, due to the influx of goods and the product of the means of production taken from the conquered peoples, the internal demographic development of the theocracy in question increases, which can lead to the apparent paradox that there is more to be distributed, in reality there is less, because the privileged ones in the repartija -the individuals belonging to the conquering side- are now more and demand their share, corresponding to their privilege of citizenship. On the other hand, the conquered have less, subtracting what corresponds to the tribute they must pay their victors, which triggers famines and consequently, the corresponding rebellions. This adds to the vicious circle that the theocratic state must invest much more in its already developed military apparatus, in order to control the status quo.